San Gabriel teen riding bike to aunt’s house goes missing

San Gabriel teen riding bike to aunt’s house goes missingSan Gabriel teen riding bike to aunt’s house goes missing
via Monterey Park Police Department
Authorities in Monterey Park, California, are searching for 15-year-old Alison Jillian Chao, who was last seen on July 16 around 5:32 p.m., leaving her home on North Ynez Avenue and heading to her aunt’s house in San Gabriel less than four miles away but never arriving. She was riding a blue GT mountain bike and carrying a black backpack. The teen was last seen wearing a purple T-shirt, black shorts and dark shoes. She is described as 5-foot-2, weighing around 95 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes.
  • Search efforts: Family and friends have been actively searching for Chao, distributing flyers in Monterey Park. Her mother, Annie Chao, described the situation as “chaotic” but emphasized the community’s efforts in helping to find her daughter. “We reached out to the community. My younger sister took care of all the social media, hitting up all the influencers … the community has really come together to help me look for my little girl,” she told ABC 7.
  • Investigation: The Monterey Park Police Department Investigations Bureau is handling the case, and anyone with information is urged to contact investigators at (626) 573-1311. They stated, “MPPD detectives, in cooperation with our local, county, state and federal partner agencies have been investigating this case continuously since Alison was reported missing. We continue to work with the Chao family and are canvassing neighborhoods in the area, reviewing surveillance video footage and interviewing possible witnesses.”
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