Milwaukee Teen Gets 23 Years in Prison for Attacking Asian Woman With Brass Knuckles

By Ryan General
A teenager from Milwaukee has been sentenced to 23 years in prison for brutally assaulting an Asian American woman with brass knuckles.
According to court documents, 18-year-old Corleon Thomas attacked his victim, Pa Lor, outside Pacific Produce, a grocery store near 27th and Grange in Greenfield, Wisconsin on July 21, 2017.
During a court hearing on Friday, the presiding Milwaukee County judge called the case a “horrific spree of terror,” reports WISN.
Thomas was found guilty of multiple charges including robbery with use of force, first-degree reckless injury, armed robbery, and first-degree recklessly endangering safety. He was also indicted on multiple counts of taking and driving a vehicle without consent.
The sentence given was reportedly higher than prosecutors recommended as part of a plea agreement that avoids trial.
Thomas reportedly had a 16-year-old female accomplice who is currently on trial in juvenile court.
Reading from her journals, Lor gave an account how the teen tried to steal her purse and car, calling it her “nightmare of a story.”
“I turned my head quickly to see what the commotion was, and I was greeted with two to three punches to the left side of my face,” Lor was quoted as saying.
“He was wearing brass knuckles,” Lor said.“The first few blows to my face were very painful, and they shook me. There was blood everywhere.”
While she was able to fend her attacker off with pepper spray, she already received permanent damage to her face and teeth from the man’s blows.
Soon after the attack, she released graphic photos of the damage her face received, which eventually helped in finding her attacker who was arrested just a few days later.

Thomas, who was listening to the victim’s account with no expression on his face, later apologized, saying he merely “chose the wrong path.”
“I’m sorry for the harm and pain I caused to the community. I never meant to cause any wrong to anyone,” he told the judge.

Back in August 2016, Thomas pleaded guilty to charges of misdemeanor resisting or obstructing an officer. He was sentenced to serve 75 days in the House of Correction with credit for 43 days. In January 2017, he was charged with the same crime and again pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to serve 30 days in jail, time served.
Feature image via YouTube/Today’s TMJ4
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