Millennials Love Wal-Mart More Than Any Other Store, Surprising Survey Reveals

By Max Chang
In a shocking reveal of retailer popularity, Walmart was found to be the most popular store for millennials, beating out Target, Kroger, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s and Costco.
InfoScout, a consumer reporting firm which has access to a nationwide panel of 175,000 shoppers, found that Walmart is the most popular store for shoppers aged 24 and below. The results were so surprising that even Walmart execs were surprised. Stephen Quinn, Walmart’s chief marketing officer, told Ad Age:
“That kind of shocks a lot of people, including inside the company.”
Walmart’s top position is despite the fact that a great number of young adults pronounce their love for premium, organic and fair-trade items at stores like Whole Foods, and despite how much we love to make fun of people at Walmart.
One explanation for the retailer’s leading popularity probably falls on the fact that millennials grew up in the recession and, as they get older, seek a cheap retailer that has everything they need. Quinn told Ad Age:
“As millennials become time-crunched with relationships and kids coming along, it’s opening up a strong need for them to have a one-stop shop.”
Kroger, a food and supply producer for grocery stores like Ralphs, is the next most popular retailer for younger millennials. Target is the most popular store for the shoppers aged 25 to 34, while older generations almost unanimously prefer Trader Joe’s and Costco.
Millennials, it would seem, are either liars or hypocrites, but either way, our love for savings inevitably makes us all the people of Walmart.
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