Michelle Malkin Calls DACA Beneficiaries an Entitled Class Who ‘Deserve Nothing’

By Ryan General
Asian American pundit Michelle Malkin appeared on Fox Business Network on Thursday and expressed her support to President Donald Trump on several issues, including his decision to end the Obama-era program Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
The Trump administration has announced earlier this week that the program, which protected immigrants from deportation if they were brought to the U.S. illegally as minors, will be ending in six months.
Speaking with host Lou Dobbs, Malkin said that the program beneficiaries called the “Dreamers” deserve nothing, reports the Huffington Post.
“The fact is that if there were a single ‘deserving dreamer’ in this country, they would be deserving because they would acknowledge that they are owed nothing and that they deserve nothing from a country into which they were born because of their parents’ illegal activity,” she was quoted as saying.

The conservative columnist, who is known for making controversial statements in the past, pointed out that the program merely provides handouts to the “undeserving Dreamers”, calling them an “entitled” class.
“You can talk to anyone who’s come into the country the right and proper way, including my own parents,” Malkin said. “There are so many first- and second- generation Americans who understand that citizenship is a privilege and not a right. And when you have an entire class of 800,000 people who feel entitled to be here despite the law, you are creating the very trouble we are in now.”
In the same interview, Malkin also defended Trump’s decision to work with Democrats to raise the debt ceiling.
“You have to deal with crap-weasels to your left and crap-weasels to your right,” she said, noting that Trump is left with no other option to deal with the Washington, D.C. “swamp.”
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