Customer Flips Out After Finding Feathers in Her McDonald’s Chicken Wings in China

Customer Flips Out After Finding Feathers in Her McDonald’s Chicken Wings in ChinaCustomer Flips Out After Finding Feathers in Her McDonald’s Chicken Wings in China
A McDonald’s customer in China found an unpleasant surprise in her recent delivery order of chicken wings.
The wings, which came from a Beijing McDonald’s, came with some additional parts of a chicken that are usually taken off before preparation.
A McDonald’s customer in China found an unpleasant surprise in her recent delivery order of chicken wings.
According to Shanghaiist, the woman’s daughter ended up with a “mouthful of feathers” when she bit into one of the wings.
Enraged by the terribly prepared meal, the customer stormed to the restaurant and caused just enough ruckus to get the manager’s attention.
The manager reportedly offered to pay the woman 10 times the price of the chicken wings plus an additional 300 yuan ($45) in cash or coupons.
After refusing the offer, the woman proceeded to report the case to the local food and drug administration agency in Beijing.
McDonald’s China has since posted a public apology on Weibo and promised that they will be “looking into the matter.”
Reacting to the incident, some Chinese netizens expressed their support for the customer while others were skeptical of the feathered wings.
Meanwhile, there were those who poked fun at the unfortunate situation, noting how the discovery of feathers proves that McDonald’s wings are actually made of real chicken.
Featured image via YouTube/Blagag!
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