World Famous Sushi Chef Breaks Down Mo‌ur‌nin‌g D‌ea‌t‌h of Friend A‌nth‌ony‌ Bo‌ur‌da‌in

World Famous Sushi Chef Breaks Down Mo‌ur‌nin‌g D‌ea‌t‌h of Friend A‌nth‌ony‌ Bo‌ur‌da‌inWorld Famous Sushi Chef Breaks Down Mo‌ur‌nin‌g D‌ea‌t‌h of Friend A‌nth‌ony‌ Bo‌ur‌da‌in
Before his sudden passing, An‌tho‌ny Bo‌u‌rd‌ain made many fans and friends through CNN’s award-winning travelogue “Parts Unknown.”
The globe-trotting celebrity chef, who pa‌sse‌d Friday morning in a hotel room in France, left the world that adored him in total shock.
Renowned New York-based sushi artist Chef Masa Takayama was one of the many people devastated by the news.
In an interview with BBC, the Michelin star chef, who owns the Masa restaurant in New York City, m‌ou‌rn‌ed his friend’s loss as he fondly remembered Bo‌urd‌ai‌n as a man who “is more deep into a culture behind all the cuisine. I think that the guy is, Tony, did more in a fancy, way more real stuff, in a real way.”
“I’m so upset,” Takayama said as he broke into tears. “He’s a good man. I will miss him very much.”
In an episode of “Parts Unknown” back in 2016, Takayama gave Bo‌urd‌ain‌ a tour of Japan, including Ishikawa Prefecture and Tochigi Prefecture.
“To call him America’s most respected sushi chef would be an injustice, as he is more than that — much more,” Bourdain was quoted as saying during the memorable episode.
“What was it about him that set him apart, took him from a rather bleak farming community in rural Japan to become first the toast of Los Angeles and later the king of New York? It is a fascinating story.”
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