Maryland Chinese Restaurant Accused of Serving Dog Meat on Facebook

By Ryan General
A woman from Maryland who ordered spare ribs from local Chinese restaurant China Palace thought she made a horrific discovery: instead of ribs, she allegedly got actual dog paws. She posted a video on Facebook to prove it.
“There’s nails still in this… those are claws,” said Ashley Jefferson as she held the ‘paw’ in front of the camera. She explained that she was fighting the urge to throw up that’s why she recorded inside her bathroom.
She also advised all Chinese food lovers to “re-evaluate your life before you end up choking on a dog nail.”
She even Googled a photo of a dead dog’s paw just to be sure.
Upon closer inspection however, the ribs looked like normal ribs, with some bones sticking out as with most spare rib cuts.
The “horrific discovery” was immediately picked up by equally disgusted viewers in social media, expressing fears of having unknowingly fallen in the same situation in the past. But many also point out that she was most likely mistaken and found her claim to be complete nonsense. Jefferson would later delete the video and her other posts about the issue.
China Palace has since released a statement to address the accusation, saying that the claims against them are absolutely untrue.
They also posted a document from the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene declaring “There is no evidence of any dog meat in this facility.”
The restaurant stated, “This report was written and investigated by an inspector from the local health department, confirming the quality of the meat that we provide.”
The Love Life of an Asian Guy also weighed in on the situation:
On Friday, Jefferson wrote a new post on Facebook stating that she would personally apologize to the restaurant’s owner if her claims were eventually proven false.
“For everyone who has seen the video i had posted…that was my personal opinion i let everyone know i was going to get it tested…maybe i shouldn’t right off the bat said it was dog…i know i did not enjoy my meal there unfortunately…i let the owner know that if i was wrong i would respectfully come in and apologize as well as on social media. THIS WAS NOT A “GET FAMOUS” STUNT! who would want to over a sad situation like this…i had NO IDEA it was going to blow up like this!! It’s not MO to go out of my way to ruin someone’s life or business…I am getting a bunch of messages good and bad….not really my cup of tea…i will let everyone know the results of the test….until then cut me a break,” she said.
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