Man In Thailand Dies After Sleeping With 3 Fans Pointing at Him

By Kyle Encina
A man in Thailand decided to sleep with three electric fans pointed at him but ended up sleeping permanently in the process as his body laid lifeless the following day.
The 44-year-old died of hypothermia after his body couldn’t take the drop in temperature that occurred during the night which was further amplified by the cold air blown at him by three electric fans. The Thai man’s older brother Saravuth Boonkua revealed that his deceased brother was a healthy man, according to StraitsTimes.
It was reported that Sobthawee was only staying at the house to tend to his 86-year-old mother Udom. However, the Thai man didn’t realize that temperatures in the area could get dangerously low at night.
One of the medical examiners who autopsied Sobthawee explained that his body failed to adjust to the abrupt temperature change and eventually went into shock. As strange and unfortunate as the Thai man’s predicament sounds, this isn’t the first time an electric fan has claimed the life of a hapless resident.
In fact, electric fan fatalities have become so widely known in countries such as South Korea that it has been dubbed by Koreans as an urban legend known as “fan death.” Based on a previous report by KoreaHerald, a 59-year-old man surnamed Min died after sleeping with a cold air-spewing fan pointed directly at him.
While some scientists disregarded the apparent threat stating that electric fans can never cause lack of oxygen or hypothermia, the Thai man’s unfortunate fan incident could be grounds for them to reconsider their statements.
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