Man Talks About Dropping Acid With Steve Jobs, Has Trouble Remembering What Happened

Daniel Kottke has that blissfully happy face and glazed look in his eyes of someone who has done A LOT of drugs. Indeed, this really chill guy dropped acid with Steve Jobs back in the 1970s at Reed College in Oregon, which Jobs ended up dropping out of.
CNN’s Laurie Segall interviewed Kottke on what it was like to drop acid with one of the greatest visionaries of the modern era. The only trouble is, it’s a little hazy, man.
“Can you remember the first time you did psychedelics together?”

“No, not really.We were just kind of walking around … I think … I think we camped out on a beach. I can’t really remember building a campfire. I don’t remember what we did when it got dark.”

He and Jobs didn’t really talk much actually — they were more in a “meditative space,” he says.
Kottke was also part of Jobs’ entourage on his trip to India. Jobs bought him the ticket to go on their spiritual journey with money he had made working for Atari. He also helped Jobs in his garage, testing out circuit boards and chips while Jobs was on the phone hustling. Once Apple was up and running, Jobs was not “about that life” anymore.
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