Man Arrested for Riding a $15,000 Rollerblade Bodysuit Between Cars in China

By Bryan Ke
A man was arrested in China last week after a surveillance camera caught him riding what appears to be a replica of the rollerblade bodysuit that Jackie Chan wore in the 2012 action-adventure film “Chinese Zodiac.”
Surveillance footage uploaded online shows the man speeding past several vehicles on a busy street and highway using his expensive 100,000 yuan ($14,615) rollerblade suit, according to SoraNews24.

As the name implies, the suit has several wheels attached to it just like a regular rollerblade. The suit comes with specialized motor-powered wheels that aid the wearer without the need for any manual effort.
However, the wearer will have to face down while using the high-speed rollerblade suit. Another issue is the bodysuit lacks proper padding, which could seriously hurt the user if they encounter road obstacles such as humps, cracks on the road or uneven ground.

Meanwhile, Japanese netizens were pretty amused by the man and his unique rollerblade suit:
“This is the first time I’ve seen this, but it’s interesting.”
“Did he want to become Jackie Chan?”
“He probably would have been fine if he’d just attached a license plate.”
“Looks fun!”
Jackie Chan wore something similar in the “Chinese Zodiac” movie while trying to escape a building and skating down a winding road.
Images via YouTube / CoolChina
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