Man Accidentally Pays $1.3 Million For a Curry Dish in Scotland

By Ryan General
One very rich customer reportedly paid more than £1 million, or about $1.3 million, for a three-course meal by accident at an Indian restaurant in Scotland.
According to Daily Mail, the unidentified millionaire erroneously typed in the amount of £1,006,082.04 after his meal of curry at the Rajpoot Indian Restaurant in Inverurie, Aberdeenshire.
The three-course meal actually just came to around £100 (or $130) and after the customer typed in the amount and entered his four digit code into card machine, the owner was shocked to discover how much was keyed in.
When the restaurant owner, Abdul Wahid, found the error and informed the customer that his bank just authorized too much of an over-payment for his meal:
“When he came to pay I gave him the card machine and he asked to put in the amount himself but it didn’t go through,” Wahid told the Daily Mail.
“When he came to pay I gave him the card machine and he asked to put in the amount himself but it didn’t go through,” Wahid told the Daily Mail.
“I then had to phone the bank for him and I answered all of the questions and they then gave me the confirmation code. At this time he still had the card machine so I never saw the amount he had typed in. But 10 minutes later I took the machine and looked at it and I just said ‘oh my god what’s happened, what have you done my friend.’”
According to Wahid, the customer’s only reaction was a simple “Oh, my!” before immediately calling his bank to correct the error.
According to Wahid, the customer’s only reaction was a simple “Oh, my!” before immediately calling his bank to correct the error.
“I have never experienced anything like this. It was really, really shocking. I still can’t believe it,” said the restaurateur.
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