Son Wears Mom’s Heels, Gives Her His Sandals When Her Feet Start to Hurt at the Mall

By Bryan Ke
A Malaysian man has gone viral on social media for his selfless act to save his mother from a rather painful shopping experience when he exchanged his sandals for her heels.
Twitter user @AmrulFrdaus, who shared the post and went viral on June 7, was out shopping with his family at Queensbay Mall in Penang, Malaysia on June 6 when his mother’s feet suddenly started to hurt because of her heels.
“My mother’s feet began to hurt because of the heels she was wearing. To summarize, I love my mum,” the man wrote in his tweet, as translated by World of Buzz.
“I really didn’t expect to wear my mum’s high heels. I only did it because she told me her feet were aching and at that time, I didn’t really see a nearby shop, so I decided to swap my sandals with her high heels,” he told World of Buzz. “I actually wanted to buy her a new pair of shoes but my father was rushing at that time, so I didn’t get her a pair.”
According to the man, that was the first time he has ever worn heels.
There is something quite sweet about a man who is willing to switch footwear with his mother, wife, or like the case of a man from southwest China, his girlfriend, to make them feel more comfortable.
Featured image via Twitter / AmrulFrdaus
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