Malaysian Family Advertises Single Son as an Eligible Bachelor in His Father’s Obituary

By Jin Hyun
Some parents go to extreme lengths to try and find their children life-long partners — one Malaysian family went as far as advertising their only single son as an eligible bachelor in his father’s obituary published in the local newspaper.

The late Chan Kok Choi had a full-page obituary dedicated to remembering and celebrating his life, which was published in a newspaper on May 12, 2019. Along with the information for a special memorial taking place, the obituary carefully listed out the names of Choi’s children, followed by the names of their spouses, and finally the names of their children. However, the name of Choi’s only son Chan Heng Joon stood completely alone aside from a small note which read: “still single, call [Heng Joon’s phone number].”

While many were quick to view this as a hilariously desperate and somewhat disrespectful way for the family to find their only son a wife, the family has revealed that the intensions behind this obituary were always comical.
The idea came from Heng Joon’s three older sisters who wanted a way to honor their father’s “great sense of humor”, according to an interview with SAYS, and since Joon’s relationship status had been a long-running inside joke for the family, they believed it would be the perfect chance. Even Heng Joon himself had to agree that his late father “would [have] loved that.”

Chan Kok Choi, nicknamed “Sunshine” by his close friends, has been described to be “The most generous and kind man.” While the small note under Heng Joon’s name was only intended to be a joke, perhaps this opportunity could actually lead to the eligible bachelor finding his life-long partner.
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