Malaysia is Now Investigating If Durians Can Improve Your Sex Life

By Ryan General
Malaysia is set to find out if there is a ring of truth to the popular belief that durians have aphrodisiac properties.
To determine if durians can indeed increase libido, the Malaysian government may soon seek relevant agencies to conduct comprehensive studies on the notoriously pungent fruit, The Star reports.
“A friend told me it is true that there have been studies conducted on claims that durians have aphrodisiac value and are said to be good for men,” Agriculture and Agro-based Resources Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek was quoted as saying to Datuk Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali in Parliament on Thursday.
“We will ask the relevant people to conduct more research into this matter.”

The statement was a response to a question posed by fellow Barisan Nasional lawmaker Noor Azmi Ghazali on whether a study would be carried out on durians’ health benefits.
Ahmad Shabery pointed out that according to previous research, the durian “is one of the smelliest yet most nutritious fruits in the world”.
“For instance, research done in Thailand showed that the durian has higher antioxidants than other tropical fruits, and has polysaccharide gel that helps stimulate the immune systems to reduce cholesterol,” he continued.
“A study from China showed that the durian skin has analgesic and antibiotic properties that help to relieve coughs, while a study from Singapore said durian has high levels of potassium which helps to reduce high blood pressure,” he further stated.

Ahmad Shabery noted that other findings revealed that the durian has anti-aging properties and contributed to the increased levels of serotonin in the body.
“According to these experts, it is really true that the durian is the key to our happiness,” he said.
The country is reportedly facing a shortage in its durian supply this year due to the weather, causing a significant increase in prices. A kilogram of the popular fruit fetches around 60-100 Malaysian Ringgit ($15-$25).
When asked if the government will store and export durians out-of-season, Ahmad Shabery said that they “are already possess the technology to preserve and store durians if there is an excess after the season is over.
“We use a freeze method that is infused with collagen so the flavour and texture of durian are not affected, but I cannot provide specific details on the technique,” he added.
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