Magician Ryan Hayashi Fools Penn and Teller With IMPOSSIBLE Coin Trick

By Ryan General
Ryan Hayashi has been mesmerizing audiences all over the globe with his thrilling performances as the vegetable-slicing “Samurai Ryan” for many years.
However, in his recent appearance on “Penn and Teller: Fool Us,” the talented trickster chose to shed his samurai character and strip down his performance of “magic in its purest form.”
In the popular magic competition, magicians perform tricks in front of Penn Jillette and Raymond Teller in hopes that the veteran magicians would not be able to figure out how the trick is done.
In order to “fool” the legendary magic duo, Hayashi combined slick sleight of hands with the “most epic monologue” in his surreal coin trick act he created himself.
“I saw a Penn & Teller on television performing an act with just a pencil and a cigarette this act fooled me and taught me the basics of magic so Penn, Teller, I now present to you what you inspired in me 30 years ago,” Hayashi opened.
“I’m going to hurt your brain using these four cards and four coins in an original routine I call the ‘Ultimate Matrix,’” he added.
Hayashi then went on to make the coins magically appear and disappear, changing positions behind four playing cards.
“Watch this last coin vanish, creating a tremor in the force as a hundred thousand children watching this suddenly decide that magic is cool,” he said as he makes another coin seemingly disappear behind a card.
The audience members keep the applause coming as he delivers a masterful performance peppered with humorous lines, making the act all the more badass:
“The amount of mental energy I’ve invested in creating this act could demolish planets. This is the most epic monologue in the history of magic for I am here to inflict psychological damage and that means you’ve now seen the devastation I can generate using two hands.”
After leaving everyone, including Penn and Teller, thoroughly entertained, Hayashi dropped this truth bomb:
“Remember one thing, no matter who you are, no matter how hard you work, or how good you think you are and what you do there will always be an Asian who takes it to the next level.”
Penn echoed that sentiment in his praise of the talented illusionist, “You added to that so much comedy and personality and also a really different fresh way to do that, a fresh style. The bravado, coupled with the comedy on that, the wink on every bit of it.”
“We were following you and then we followed you a lot you know we know how to do those moves and we followed you and followed you and then we just gave up. You just beat us into submission with pure skills,” Penn said. “So the last few things you did we have no idea how you did them because we were just enjoying you too much and you fooled us.”
Aside from “Penn and Teller: Fool Us,” Hayashi has performed in over 30 television shows across 11 countries including “Britain’s Got Talent” and “Germany’s Got Talent.”
For fooling Penn and Teller, Hayashi gets a five-star trip to Las Vegas to perform as the opening act in Penn & Teller’s world-famous show.
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