Thieves Who Targeted Elderly Asians Chased Down By Son With Machete

By Grace Kim
A group of four people robbed an elderly Asian couple in Oakland, California on Monday, but not before their machete-wielding son was able to chase them away.
The incident occurred outside the family’s home at around 4:30 p.m. while the parents were sitting on their front porch just after grocery shopping.
Their son rushed outside, armed with a machete, and chased the group down the street.
“I heard my mom screaming and that’s when I ran out. If I hadn’t come out they would have done a lot worse,” the son said to ABC 7.
He is seen barefoot in the video as he was in the middle of changing clothes when he heard the noises outside. Quick thinking enabled him to grab a weapon to stop the thieves from potentially entering his home.
Oakland police have not released any more information about this case.
It comes just one day after a Vietnamese couple was reportedly tied up in front of their child, 10 minutes away from this incident. The couple’s home was destroyed and most of their life savings depleted.
The victims in both of these incidents have criticized Oakland Police for their slow response times and lack of care while handling the cases.
Feature Image via @dionlimtv
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