SF Woman Sprays Neighbor on Racist Rant With Lysol

SF Woman Sprays Neighbor on Racist Rant With LysolSF Woman Sprays Neighbor on Racist Rant With Lysol
A singer in San Francisco is receiving praise from the Asian American community after she was fed up with her neighbor‘s “racist sh*t” and sprayed the hate away with Lysol.
In a video posted to Instagram on Oct. 24, R&B/soul artist Autumn Tillman can be seen turning a corner of a corridor in her apartment building to find a man who, at first, appeared to be speaking to himself.
“Shut the f**k up in front of my door with your racist sh*t!” she yells.
She continues to tell the man to “shut the f**k up,” and recounts the racist slurs he’s been spewing, including “n***er this, and Asian that.”
The man repeatedly mentions the Ku Klux Klan as Tillman aims a bottle of Lysol and fogs him with the disinfectant spray until he retreats behind his apartment door.
“Every day he is on a racial rant,” Tillman told NextShark. “He’s called me a n***er almost every time he saw me.”
Tillman has lived in the building for six years, across from the man for five years. Hispanic and Asian families in the building are allegedly afraid of the man because he is “always yelling and stomping around.”
Before she started recording the video, Tillman claims the man commented about hating “Asian f***s” and wished “they would go back to their country.”
That’s when she lost it.
“I refuse to let him throw out his racist remarks, especially because next door to him is an Asian family with a child who has to hear the derogatory things he says,” she explained.
According to Tillman, the police have visited her building to talk to the man multiple times, but to no avail.
“It works for a few days, maybe a few hours and he’s back on a racist rant about Blacks and Jews and just recently started with Asians,” she said.
Tillman says she recorded the video because she wanted to let the Asian community know they are not alone.
“It’s people out here that have their backs.”
Feature Image Screenshots via autumn_tillman
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