Loving Chinese Father Paints Daughters 10 Hours a Day to Leave Them Beautiful Memories

Loving Chinese Father Paints Daughters 10 Hours a Day to Leave Them Beautiful MemoriesLoving Chinese Father Paints Daughters 10 Hours a Day to Leave Them Beautiful Memories
A loving and amazingly talented father in China spends a healthy chunk of his time painting his daughters.
For his beautiful masterpieces, Wan Li, 32, has become an online hit.
According to People’s Daily, Wan adopts the style of Western oil painting but incorporates traditional Chinese techniques in his work.
He puts tremendous hard work on his creations, spending eight to 10 hours a day while each one took several months to finish.
He says painting his daughters feels just like talking to them.
So far, he has crafted 15 magnificent paintings in three years.
Because his daughters are too young to model, Wan uses their photos for inspiration.
He believes that paintings are better than photos since they are more appealing and commemorative.
Wan says he’d rather not see his daughters grow up, but because they will, he hopes his paintings would remind them of their parents.
“I hope a few years later, when they grow up and look back, they will remember not only a beautiful childhood, but appreciate the deep love of their parents,” he told reporters (via Voice of China).
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