Check Out the Impressive 23-Year-Old Winner of Miss Hong Kong 2015

By Sarah Lesnar
Mak, who also won “Miss Photogenic” in the contest, graduated from Cambridge University last year where she was known to be a straight-A student and earned a bachelor’s degree in law.
After graduating, Mak worked in Hong Kong as a news reporter to get a firsthand account of the social issues plaguing Hong Kong.
“I wanted to experience and know what exactly Hong Kong needs. Then I would like to see if I can have some participation. I hope to learn more … and hope that this can encourage more attention on those topics.”
Mak’s father is a respected vice principal of a secondary school, and her mother is a professional therapist. Mak’s brother is also known to be an outstanding student.
When she was younger, Mak attended Diocesan Girls’ School where she took ballet and singing lessons before leaving to the U.K. Mak is also an active volleyball player and attended space camp in the U.S. when she was a child.
Mak has stated that she aspires to be a chief justice or even a chief executive one day: “I want to become an influential [person], not only for the pay.”
Mak was voted as the top contender months before the Miss Hong Kong contest took place based on her academic accomplishments. While she declined to answer with her thoughts on Hong Kong’s reform package, she did state she believes in democracy and the freedom to vote.
In an interview with TVB, Mak revealed that the biggest disappointment in her life was failing to land a scholarship to study in the U.K. before she went to Cambridge. She said:
“If it was not my score sheets, it must have been my performance that had problems. I think this is why I am not happy with that. I feel I failed to do well in the interview. It dealt a blow to my confidence. Looking back however, it was a good thing, a good lesson in life.”
When speaking about her opinion of the role of women in society today, she believes independence is most important:
“We also need to be independent. This has made it difficult for some women to develop their character.”
But while more people her age wish to be independent, she told SCMP that extremely high property prices in Hong Kong are one of the obstacles that makes it hard even for her to leave home on her own:
“If I wanted to move out of my parents’ home, I would have a lot of issues financially. I do feel strongly about it because a lot of my friends recently graduated, got jobs and want some freedom from their parents and are unable to get anywhere to sleep. If you don’t even have a place to sleep, how can you talk about dreams and aspirations?”
“That’s why us Hong Kong people have to be united … and try to think how we can go forward with the interests of the bigger society in mind. No one wants the price of their own house to go down. But we must realise that this is a very immediate issue. It’s affecting a lot of the younger generation.”
Within the next year, Mak will be set to participate in the Miss Universe contest.
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