Asian Woman Called ‘Chink’ and Eggs Thrown at Her By Trump Supporters While Walking Her Dog

A woman out in California has been one of the latest subjects of harassment after Donald Trump’s victory.
Kymby Cao, a woman based in LA, was walking her dogs when a car pulled up next to her. The passengers inside immediately started calling her racial slurs and threw eggs at her. Cao filed a police report and has documented the whole ordeal in an Instagram post that has gone viral.
The post reads:
“I have been watching the news and reading article after article about all of the violence happening the last couple days and have just been in disbelief. People being told to go back “home.” Violent riots in the streets. Graffiti on walls with awful racist statements, “make America white again.” People grabbing women on buses and trains. Elementary students telling other kids to go back to Mexico, that they will be deported.
That there is egg in my hair, because I got EGGS thrown at me this morning while I was walking Molly and Madison. A car abruptly stopped next to me. The passengers were yelling at me to go back to where I came from and to take my CHINK dogs with me. One of the males in back seat was yelling, “yea you slant eyed bitch go back to CHINK TOWN.” The driver was chanting “Trump Town, Trump Town!” And then they sped off while screaming and woo-ing.
I am overwhelmed with emotions. I don’t know how to process what happened. This is NOT okay. This is NOT acceptable. How do people think that behaving in this manner will do any good? People actually think this kind of violence and racism is okay?
I am also very certain dachshunds are from Germany… My eyes are actually quite almond shaped… And I don’t even know where this Chink Town is. The car they were driving was a Toyota which is from Japan.
Go back where I came from. Well I am from here, America.”
Cao’s experience follows a string of instances where Asian Americans and other minority groups have been targets for harassment since Donald Trump’s victory on Tuesday night.
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