DNC adviser: Lauren Boebert election loss would be ‘gain for OnlyFans’

By Khier Casino
Democratic Party adviser Kurt Bardella landed in hot water for implying during an MSNBC interview that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R, CO-3) might join OnlyFans should she not be reelected.
The South Korean-born DNC adviser spoke with “The ReidOut” show host Joy Reid about the midterm race between Boebert and her Democratic opponent Adam Frisch.
“I guess it might be a gain for OnlyFans,” Bardella said of the possible defeat for the right-wing Colorado congresswoman.
The 3rd district race was very close at the time, with both candidates at 50 percent of the votes as of Wednesday evening when the episode aired. As of 3:19 p.m. EST on Friday, however, Boebert has inched ahead with 50.2 percent of the vote.
The adviser faced heavy criticism on Twitter, with users calling his remarks “misogynistic” and “sexist.”
Bardella’s comments stem from debunked allegations that Boebert previously had an abortion and worked as an escort.
Bardella has since apologized and said he would “be more thoughtful” about what he says in the future.
Additionally, he defended OnlyFans and similar platforms that let sex workers create and share their content.
But he went on to further explain his remarks, saying, “I have zero appetite for the faux-outrage coming from the MAGA-ites because we all know they don’t give a rip about sexism, misogyny or equality. They are hypocrites of the first order.”
Boebert hit back on Thursday morning, tweeting, “Liberals even suck at feminism.”
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