2 Struggling Korean Restaurants Robbed of $6,300 in Cash in Los Angeles

The LAPD is looking for three men who ransacked and stole cash from two Korean restaurants that were open for business Monday night.
The suspects distracted employees and got away with $3,500 in cash from Chef Kang Sul Box and $2,800 from Shuto, according to CBS Los Angeles. They also took car keys, credit cards, checks and the keys to both restaurants.
Chef Kang Sul Box shared an Instagram post, saying that one of the men pretended to order while the companions would grab valuables. The Koreatown restaurant said it lost two weeks worth of cash sales.
“We were like, ‘why are these unfortunate things happen back to back?’ My wife’s wedding ring being stolen really was tears in my heart,” owner John Kang, 50, told NextShark.
In the security footage posted by the restaurant, one man can be seen going into what appears to be a back office.
Kang told the LA Times that one man changed his order multiple times, tried paying for his order with a faulty credit card before paying in cash and leaving through the back door.
Kang realized earlier in the day that his restaurant next door, Shuto Izakaya, had also been robbed.
One reviewer on Facebook, among many other social media comments, shared their support for the restaurant.

Koreatown’s food scene is dense and varied. Many restaurants are struggling during this time as they undergo a large shift in how they operate their business, closing down dining rooms and laying off employees. LA’s Koreatown is no different.
“Share this posting so no other restaurant who are already having hard time to get worse,” the shop wrote.
“Both of us realized, material things meant nothing. No one got hurt and we felt blessed and thankful,” Kang said to NextShark. “I posted what had happened for only one reason, to warn and stop these thugs burglarize or even physically hurt other business owners who are hurting so much already from our current situation corona virus.”
Kang told the LA Times that many owners were thinking of moving back to Korea. However, he plans to stay and keep his restaurants open. The couple had been through a California earthquake, LA Riots and more, according to Kang. They are “dusting off” what happened and will continue to move forward.
“The amazing support, the infinite love shown by people rejuvenated my soul as chef and owner. People heal people, let’s not be racial to each other. Only racism we should have now is against COVID19,” he said.
Feature Images via @chefkangsulbox
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