Silicon Valley’s Most Popular Photographer Sold a Photo of a Potato For $1 Million

By Laura Dang
Kevin Abosch may be one of the most highly sought after people in Silicon Valley.
However, these high-profile players aren’t consulting with Abosch over business deals or computer code. They are discussing his art. Abosch, who divides his time between Ireland and Boston, is a photographer known for effortlessly capturing stunning portraits of famous executives and celebrities within a matter of seconds.
The photographer’s work often features a headshot of a famous celebrity or name in tech set against an iconic black backdrop. According to Business Insider, commissioning Abosch comes at a sizable price that starts at $150,000 for a simple portrait. If commercial licensing is thrown into the deal, it can cost upwards of $500,000.
That is a price some are willing to pay to have the best portrait of their life taken. Zach Sims, CEO of Codeacademy and a friend of Abosch, told Business Insider that the photographer kindly agreed to photograph him.
After just a few shots, Abosch let Sims know that he had all the photos he needed. Sims’ portrait by Abosch is now his favorite picture of himself that he uses for almost all his profile pictures.
Being worthy enough to be photographed by Abosch is something to be proud of indeed. Among Abosch’s other subjects are Pakistani activist and Nobel Prize laureate Malala and actor and producer Johnny Depp. Abosch’s photography skills are so desirable that he has been offered Ferraris and private jet trips for a photo shoot session.
In fact, his work is so valued that he sold a photograph of a potato last year for over $1 million.
Surprisingly enough, Abosch didn’t study art. He is a former biologist with extensive knowledge in technology and computer languages. Abosch is also the founder of a secure messaging app called OneOne.
This probably sheds some light on his next project, in which he seeks to capture photos of the human ego. Abosch plans to wear an fMRI machine strapped to his head and snap photos of his brain activity during ego-inducing situations. He told Business Insider the motivation behind his next vision:
“The intersection of art and science often yields elucidating surprises! At the end of the day, I’m an ontologist, concerned with matters of identity and existence. Art and science is just the means to an end.”
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