Hero Registers The Rock to Run for President in 2020

By Khier Casino
Can you smell what The Rock is cooking for the 2020 presidential election?
The “Run the Rock 2020” campaign committee was created by a man named Kenton Tilford, from West Virginia, in an effort to get the actor and former WWE wrestler Dwayne Johnson to run for president of the United States.
The official paperwork has been filed on behalf of Johnson with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on Sunday, according to The Hill.
However, it’s unclear whether or not “Run the Rock 2020” is officially connected to the “Baywatch” star.
Johnson joked about running for president on the season finale of “Saturday Night Live” back in May, even standing behind a podium marked “The Rock Johnson 2020” and announcing Tom Hanks as his running mate.
“It’s just that when it comes to politics, we need more poise and less noise,” Johnson said. “Americans deserve strong, capable leaders. Leaders who care about his country and care about its people.”
In a May interview with GQ, the actor, who has said that he registered as an independent, discussed the “real possibility” of running for the presidency and how he would deal with Donald Trump’s policies.
In 2000, Johnson spoke at the Republican National Convention as well as attended the Democratic National Convention.
One YouTube user said, “But is it really a joke though.”
“At this point, I would actually consider voting for a f*cking rock,” another commented.
If Donald Trump can become president, anyone can.
Image via Instagram / projectrock_official, therock
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