Woman Leaves Cat With Filipino American Actor, He Takes the Most Purrfect Portraits

Woman Leaves Cat With Filipino American Actor, He Takes the Most Purrfect PortraitsWoman Leaves Cat With Filipino American Actor, He Takes the Most Purrfect Portraits
A photographer who asked a friend to take care of her cat while she was away at work had a pleasant surprise when she learned that her pet starred in her own cat portraits. 
Miranda McDonald, who is based in Los Angeles, went on tour for two months with singers Julia Micheals and Bea Miller.
For this reason, she left her blue tabby, Jade, with her friend, Josell Mariano.
Mariano is a Filipino American actor who has appeared in TV shows such as “Kingdom,” “Simi Valley” and “NCIS: Los Angeles.”
However, he also happens to be a photographer and made that clear while babysitting Jade. 
“My friend is a photographer for musical artists and was on tour for two months for Julia Micheals and Bea Miller, so I had Jade all that time,” Mariano told Bored Panda.
He went on to describe how Jade behaved. “[She] is super sweet! Every morning, she jumps on the bed for pets and cuddles, and same at night when we go to sleep. The rest of the day, she follows me from room to room, usually finding a sunbeam to sleep in. Things she gets scared of are loud noises, soft noises, sudden movements, slow movements,” he said.
Mariano, who lives with an 8-year-old black lab mix himself, admits that cats are much more chill:
“I love cats! [I] love animals in general, but cats are cool because they just feel like a furry roommate (and much cuter). They generally take care of themselves, but are still down to keep you company while you watch TV or something.”
The photographer also shared how he captured Jade’s timeless shots.
“I used a 6Dmk2 with an f/2.8 24-70LII, and an f/1.4 50mm. Lighting is an Einstein strobe with a 24-inch beauty dish,” he told Bored Panda. “Jade was a better model than I thought but was still super wiggly. She was distracted by treats and her favorite toy (which is a broken string on a stick).”
After processing Jade’s photos, he then took one to Reddit, which unsurprisingly went viral.
The impressive set also made it to Jade’s own Instagram page.
Needless to say, people are feeling the feline’s portraits. 
Featured Images via Instagram / heyjadebutt (left) and josell (right)
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