Jonah Hill Only Took $60,000 Pay For ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ — Find Out Why

“They gave me the lowest amount of money possible, that was their offer,” he revealed on The Howard Stern Show. “I said, ‘I will sign the paper tonight. Fax me the papers tonight.’ I want to sign them tonight before they change their mind. I said I want to sign them before I go to sleep tonight so they legally can’t change their mind.”
How much did he get paid to appear in the movie about wealthy stockbrokers? “It was the minimum,” Hill said. “I think SAG minimum is something like $60,000 before commissions and taxes.”
“So you got paid $60,000 for that movie?” Stern clarified.
“Yeah, for an almost seven-month shoot,” the actor, appearing opposite Leonardo DiCaprio, confirmed. “I would sell my house and give him all my money to work for [Scorsese] . . . I would have done anything in the world. I would do it again in a second.”
“It’s not about money for me. None of this S–T is about money,” he said. “I want to make money to pay my rent, and hopefully have a family one day and have kids and stuff.”
Hill ended his interview by saying, “I got to f**king be in a Martin Scorsese movie and I just got nominated for an Oscar,” he said in regards to not having any career regrets. “I’m tripping out, Howard . . . I’m in shock. I’m totally in shock.”