Jimmy Kimmel says US ‘filthy and disgusting’ after return from Japan trip

After a recent trip to Japan with his family, late night TV host and comedian Jimmy Kimmel expressed shock on his show at the cleanliness of the country compared to the U.S.
Key points:
The details:
- “After traveling to Japan, I realized that this place, this USA we’re always chanting about, is a filthy and disgusting country,” Kimmel said on his talk show.
- He described Japan as exceptionally clean, with bathrooms even “cleaner than operating rooms” in America and “cleaner than Jennifer Garner’s teeth.”
- Kimmel also expressed awe at Japan’s cultural norm of individuals carrying their own trash due to the removal of public trash cans after terrorists in 1995 utilized bins in the Tokyo subway system for a sarin gas attack.
- “They clean up after themselves!” he exclaimed. “They bring their garbage to their houses. It’s like the whole country is Disneyland and we’re living at Six Flags. I’ve been home 36 hours, I have never felt dirtier. We are like hogs compared to the Japanese. I can’t imagine what they must think of us. ‘Oh, the garbage people. Yes, the Americans. Garbage.’”
- Japan is globally known for its emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene, with advanced toilet technology. Japanese sports fans have made headlines numerous times for cleaning up stadiums after games, including at the FIFA World Cup 2022 match in Qatar.
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