Brain Coach Jim Kwik on Cover of 2021 Entrepreneur Magazine

Brain Coach Jim Kwik on Cover of 2021 Entrepreneur MagazineBrain Coach Jim Kwik on Cover of 2021 Entrepreneur Magazine
Kwik Learning CEO Jim Kwik has graced the cover of Entrepreneur magazine for its June 2021 issue, which hit newsstands on May 18. 
Kwik starter: In the cover story, the “brain” coach and mental health advocate recalled how he found inspiration to improve his learning habits despite early challenges. 
  • Kwik shared that several childhood brain injuries left him with difficulty in studying, but when he was in his teens, a friend’s father motivated him to read one book a week.
  • He still struggled, but a quote attributed to Albert Einstein, which he found on a mug, later pointed him in the right direction: “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”
  • “It’s not how smart you are — it’s How are you smart?” Kwik was quoted as saying. “I thought that I was failing school, but in a way, school was failing me.”
  • Once he realized that people learned in different ways, he was able to teach himself and others by figuring out what worked for each learner.
  • He started teaching other students, those students’ parents, who then recommended him to their friends and colleagues. Kwik eventually turned his memory improvement and speed reading training into a profitable business that now helps individuals and Fortune 500 corporate clients worldwide.
Being on the cover: Kwik expressed his excitement about the cover story via a post last week on Instagram and urged his followers to promote it. 
  • “It warms my heart to see mainstream media featuring brain fitness, mental health, and lifelong learning in the workplace,” the 47-year-old founder wrote.
  • Kwik offered a live masterclass set for later this month as a gift to those who shared the post.
Featured Image via Jim Kwik (left, right)
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