Andrew Yang grilled on CNN for ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ appearance

By Ryan General
CNN host Jim Acosta recently called out Andrew Yang for engaging
Tucker’s talking points: Yang, who has announced his departure from the Democratic Party, was discussing his concerns about the existing two-party system in the U.S. on Wednesday’s episode of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” when Carlson cited the manifesto of Unabomber Ted Kaczynski.
- During the interview, the Fox News host praised the Unabomber for his “smart analysis” of “the way systems work.” He also called the domestic terrorist who killed three people and injured 23, a “bad person.”
- According to Carlson, Kaczynski argues that “large organizations over time morph into purely self-preservation projects. A big system, in the end, protects itself and that’s kind of all it does.”
Yang’s new gang: During his Saturday appearance on CNN, Yang was grilled by Acosta for his decision to join as a guest on Carlson’s show and for not going against the “crazy stuff” that the host said.
- Acosta described Carlson as a “bad person” who “represents so much of what is wrong in television news.”
- “You know this all too well. He spouts off white nationalist talking points,” Acosta said. “So why would you even go on his show and why didn’t you go after him when he’s citing the Unabomber?
- According to Yang, he appeared on the show to “take the temperature of the country down” by reaching out to folks “where they are.”
- Pointing out that Carlson has a “massive audience,” the former entrepreneur explained that building a unified party that calls attention to current issues requires reaching out.
- “That’s what I was doing on that show,” Yang said. “The goal is to have Republicans who are discontent to channel their discontent in a positive way. And right now, in my view, it’s not going in a positive direction. I’d like to help change that.”
Yang has recently appeared on different shows actively promoting his plans for a new political party as well as his new book “Forward: Notes on the Future of Our Democracy.”
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