Japanese Women Reveal The Things They Love Watching Men Do

Japanese Women Reveal The Things They Love Watching Men DoJapanese Women Reveal The Things They Love Watching Men Do
Our understanding of the science of attraction has come a long way, but for everything men subscribe to in an attempt to attract women, they sometimes lose sight of the simplest things that actually makes them attractive.
It turns out a man is most attractive when he’s not trying to look like it, according to a consensus among Japanese women on an internet forum.
The discussion on Oshiete Goo started when a user, going by kozakura, asked:
“What are the little gestures and moments that make you think you could fall for a guy? For me, it’s when a man gets a serious look on his face when he’s putting something together or repairing something. Or when he’s talking to an animal…that gets me every time.”
Others took it from there, imagining guys with a sense of responsibility and reservation:
“I like the look a guy gets in his eyes when he’s driving and checks the next lane before crossing over into it.”
“When he reaches up to change a lightbulb, or gets something off a high shelf and hands it to me with a smile.”
“For me, more so than talkative guys, I like men who are sort of resonant. Guys who have a cool quietness to them, and who only show their smile to people they’re really close to, those are the kind of guys who get my heart racing. Seeing them smile, there’s a childlike cuteness that just pierces my heart.”
Meanwhile, some are easily drawn to guys who make trivial gestures:
“When a guy takes off his glasses, to casually scratch his eye, wipe the lenses, or put in eye drops.”

“The way his hands look when he’s dividing up a large plate of food for everyone at the table.”
“The way he walks. If I think a guy is cool or handsome, he always has a gallant stride. It’s like his attitude and life philosophy are all reflected in the way he walks.”
Lastly, a man with a vision never fails to win a heart:
“There’s something attractive about a guy who’s looking off into the distance. It’s like he’s getting ready to take on a big challenge, or chase after a fervent dream…or maybe he’s just admiring the view.”
Do you agree with these women? What do you think makes a man attractive? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Translations via SoraNews24
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