Japanese former president of Peru dies at 86

Japanese former president of Peru dies at 86Japanese former president of Peru dies at 86
via FRANCE 24 English /Keiko Fujimori
Alberto Fujimori, the controversial former president of Peru, died of complications from cancer on Wednesday in Lima at the age of 86, his daughter Keiko confirmed on X.
Fujimori, who served as president from 1990 to 2000, was pardoned in 2017 after being convicted of human rights abuses, including his role in the deaths of 25 people during his presidency. Fujimori’s tenure, initially hailed for stabilizing the economy and defeating the Shining Path insurgency, later collapsed under allegations of corruption and abuses of power, culminating in his exile and eventual conviction. His death closes a turbulent chapter in Peruvian history, leaving behind a polarized legacy.
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