Elderly man shoves 90-inch jump rope through his penis

By Khier Casino
A 79-year-old man got a 90-inch jump rope stuck inside his bladder after pushing the object through his penis in what doctors are calling an “extreme” case.
While the rope did not have any handles, it got tangled after the unidentified man inserted it through his urethra, according to a study published in Urology Case Reports in September.
The elderly man visited doctors at Dokkyo Medical University in Mibu, Japan, after he complained he was experiencing dysuria, or difficulty urinating. An X-ray then revealed a “wire-like coiled foreign body,” with doctors describing it as “a large object accompanied by acoustic shadows.”

The man did not explain why he shoved a rope through his penis, but the object became entangled when his bladder contracted, which happens after urination. The act of inserting objects through the penis is also known as a dangerous sexual act called sounding.
“Transurethral extraction was difficult considering the length of the rope and its entanglement in the bladder,” professor Toshiki Kijima, co-author of the study, wrote.
“Traditionally, grasping forceps and retrieval baskets are used to remove foreign bodies,” he added. “However, wires inserted into the bladder usually curl up as the bladder contracts; therefore, special consideration is required for wire-like foreign bodies.”

Medics had no choice but to surgically remove the rope by making a small cut on the man’s abdomen and then pulling it out of the bladder. The procedure was the only way doctors could pull the tangled cord out without damaging his urethra.
The man fortunately made a full recovery without any long-term complications.
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