Japanese Inn Introduces ‘Self-Parking Slippers’ From Nissan

By Ryan General
Japanese car maker Nissan Motor Co. has

The innovation utilizes a system for slippers to “park” themselves after use. It will be officially unveiled at Nissan’s specialized traditional inn, ProPILOT Park Ryokan, in the resort town of Hakone in March.

Guests can instantly summon and dispatch the slippers with the push of a button, according to Japan Today.

Using Nissan’s ProPilot Park technology, the motorized hi-tech slippers come equipped with two tiny wheels and multiple sensors that allow them to “drive” around the inn’s wooden lobby floors.

In addition to the smart slippers, the inn also has traditional low tables and floor cushions for sitting that can also wheel themselves into place. When not in use, all of the objects automatically return to their designated spots.

Nissan’s inn, known for its view of Mount Fuji, utilizes a simplified version of the technology the company uses in its latest release of the all-battery electric Leaf vehicle.

In addition to advanced sensors, the vehicle also has multiple cameras that let it navigate into parking spots without any human driver.

As its use is obviously more of a novelty than actual necessity, Nissan admits the self-driving slippers are meant to inspire innovation on what else the technology can potentially offer in the future.

“The self-parking slippers are meant to raise awareness of automated driving technologies, and their potential, non-driving applications,” Nissan spokesman Nick Maxfield was quoted as saying.
Watch a demo of the technology below:
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