Japanese High Schoolers Share the Last Homemade Lunches From Their Parents Before Graduation

3年間毎日早起きしてキャラ弁を作ってくれたママ☺︎キャラクターだけじゃなくてミニチュアとかイベントに合わせたお弁当とかオリジナリティ満載で 毎回ママの発想力とか創造性に感心させられてました😫😫
3年間ほんとにありがとう。 pic.twitter.com/MKmW8aRAkJ— あんな (@mariechan_9) January 24, 2018
Today was the last day of my mom waking me up and making my kyaraben for me.
They were always fully loaded with characters and miniatures or themed for school events, and I admired how expressive and creative she was.
I love my amazing, wonderful mother.
Thank you so much for these three years.
My mom usually just throws my bento together, but since today was my last one, we made it together last night.
I know it was a lot of work for her to make them for three years, but they were delicious every day.
My mom taught me so much… I’ll do my best even after I graduate.
Good morning!
This is the last bento I’ll be making for my second son.
Thank you for telling me how much you liked them, every day for three years, never missing a day.
The requests were: meat
Three-colored-toppings on rice
Sweet and sour chicken
Chicken wings
Pork-wrapped cheese
Boiled hijiki
Mini tomato
My last high school bento made by my mom.
Thank you for the tasty, cute bentos every day. They always made me so happy.
There was a note from my mom in my final high school bento.
Mom, thank you so much for waking up early and making them for me every single day.I was so moved by her letter.
I’ll still ask for your bento in the future, mom!
Dear Shun,
How’s your last bento?
It makes me a little sad to think I won’t make them for you anymore.But if you ever want one again, I’ll still make it for you!
Make the most of the little time you have left in high school.– Mom
Today was my last bento.
There were all of my favorite foods in it,
and it was so good, I loved it.
And a surprise? From my dad.
The first time I can remember ever getting a letter.
I was alone, so of course I cried lol.
Thanks for everything, dad.