Japanese World Cup team praised for tidying up locker room after victory over Germany

By Khier Casino
Japan’s national football team has gone viral for upholding their country’s reputation for cleanliness by tidying up their locker room at the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
Images of the team’s locker room blew up online just days after Japanese football fans went viral for cleaning up after the opening game on Monday.
Japan is widely known for being one of the cleanest countries in the world, and its people are sharing those core values with everyone else at this year’s World Cup in Qatar.
The Japanese team won 2-1 against Germany in a shocking upset, but there was no champagne popping celebration after the victory. Instead, they left their locker room “spotless,” FIFA tweeted on Wednesday.
The towels were left neatly folded up, no sweaty clothes can be seen hanging on hangers and the water bottles appeared as if they were untouched.
Meals are lined up in organized rows on the table, and the team also left what appear to be origami paper cranes — 11 to represent each player on the team — and a message that reads “thank you” in Japanese and Arabic, a Twitter user noted.
Other football fans praised the Japanese team for their politeness.
Featured Image via @FIFAcom
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