Italian Architect Will Turn China’s Skylines into Breathtaking Forests

Italian Architect Will Turn China’s Skylines into Breathtaking ForestsItalian Architect Will Turn China’s Skylines into Breathtaking Forests
Renowned Italian architect and Urban Planner Stefano Boeri has been tapped to freshen up the downtown skyline of the Nanjing, China with some greenery.
Boeri’s architectural firm Stefano Boeri Architetti has previously worked on Italy’s Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest) in Milan, an award-winning project featuring a couple of residential towers beautifully covered with 2,000 plants and 900 trees. The firm’s other known projects include the Villa Méditerranée in Marseille and the House of the Sea of La Maddalena.
For Nanjing, Stefano Boeri Architetti plans to build two towers (one 200 meters and the other 108 meters tall), which will be adorned with 1,000 trees and 2,500 plants. The volume of the foliage is projected to produce approximately 132 pounds of oxygen per day, Inhabitat reported. Such undertaking is said to be the first, not only in China, but also in all of Asia.
Set to be completed in 2018, the pair of commercial buildings will house offices, shops, and restaurants. There will also be spaces allotted for a Hyatt hotel, a museum, a green architecture school, and a rooftop club.
In addition to the Nanjing project, Stefano Boeri Architetti also has plans to design vertical forests in Shanghai, Guizhou, Shijiazhuang, Liuzhou, and Chongqing.
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