iPhone Scammer Cons $560 from Victim, Regrets it Shortly After

Getting scammed on Craigslist is never good, but unfortunately, it happens all the time.
A man in Texas recently uploaded the above video of him cornering a scammer who used Craigslist to sell him a stolen iPhone. In the video description, he wrote:
“Back story, in October 2013, I purchased an iPhone for my wife on craigslist for $560 the day before this video was taken. My friend was sent to meet him in a parking lot, upon inserting her SIM card that evening, AT&T shut our entire phone plan down. Apparently the iPhone he sold me was stolen and that’s all AT&T would tell us.
So I wrote him another text claiming I also wanted an iPhone for myself and he agreed to meet me back in the same parking lot the next day. Apparently, the stolen phone business is lucrative in ATX as he informed me he had several to choose from.
He ended up “refunding” me after I gave him his options. If he shows up to sell you a phone in Austin, beware!”
In the video, the scammer says he’ll pay him $600, but if you count the money handed over to the victim in the video, it’s actually $700. Counting apparently isn’t one of the scammer’s strong points.
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