Indonesian Twins Separated at Birth 24 Years Ago Reunited by TikTok

By Ryan General
A pair of twins in Indonesia have finally reunited thanks to TikTok after being apart from each other for over two decades.
Forced to part: Twin sisters Trena and Treni were separated when they were two months old after their parents, Enceng Dedi and Enok Rohenah, entrusted Treni to neighbors, according to the Jakarta Post.
- Their parents took part in the Indonesian government’s transmigration program that relocated their family from West Java to Ambon, Maluku province.
- When the twins were born in 1996, a local elder advised the parents that raising both children would result in death, South China Morning Post reported.
- Dedi then asked their neighbors, Rini and Misranto, to raise Treni for them.
- A violent conflict between religious communities erupted in Ambon in 1999, forcing Enceng and his family back to his hometown in Tasikmalaya, West Java.
- Meanwhile, Treni’s foster family moved to Malang, East Java province and they eventually lost contact with the birth parents.
- With her name changed to Treni Fitri Yana, it became challenging for the biological parents to find her.
- Meanwhile, Trena stayed with her biological parents in West Java all these years.
Finding Treni: Trena says she had no idea that she had a twin sister until a neighbor recognized Treni on TikTok and showed it to her. Trena only discovered that the woman in the TikTok video was actually her long-lost twin sister when she showed the video to her father, Yahoo! Lifestyle reported.
- Trena’s father admitted she has a twin sister who was separated from the family when they were babies and apologized for keeping it a secret.
- Enceng explained that he could not take care of his twin daughters while his wife was also in the hospital.
- “When they were babies, they were sickly. Then I was given advice to separate the two, so I did that,” Enceng said.
- Treni, who has thousands of followers on TikTok, also runs a popular YouTube with over 40,000 subscribers and nearly 9 million total views since 2014.
- Trena immediately reached out to Treni and soon arranged a get-together.
- The twin sisters and their families were officially reunited in Tasikmalaya, West Java on Oct. 21.
Feature Image via Treni Fitriyana
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