Indonesian Student S‌tr‌an‌gle‌d With a Chain, R‌a‌‌p‌e‌‌d in Front of Her Home in Netherlands

Indonesian Student S‌tr‌an‌gle‌d With a Chain, R‌a‌‌p‌e‌‌d in Front of Her Home in NetherlandsIndonesian Student S‌tr‌an‌gle‌d With a Chain, R‌a‌‌p‌e‌‌d in Front of Her Home in Netherlands
An Indonesian exchange student ended up in the intensive care unit after surviving a vicious s‌exu‌al as‌sa‌ul‌t that took place in front of her home in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
The incident occurred on the morning of July 21.
The female student, 21, rode a bike from Rotterdam Station to her home in Herman Bavinckstraat.
While she locked her bike outside the residence, the male a‌tt‌ack‌e‌r appeared and hit her with a chain.
The man also used the object to strangle the student when he ra‌pe‌d her.
Neighbors rushed the student to the hospital, where she is recovering from serious injuries.
“It was b‌rut‌al. It was already light. Everyone could have seen it,” the NL Times quoted a witness, who was watching TV when the attack happened, as saying.
“I heard someone running. Then I heard ‘no’ and moaning. I did not go look, because I thought it was young people coming back from a night out. If I had known, I would have called the p‌ol‌ic‌e.”
Protesters against s‌exu‌al vi‌ole‌n‌ce carry the Indonesian flag in connection with the incident. Image via Facebook / Cindy Smits
Rotterdam po‌l‌i‌ce have questioned some 20 witnesses.
“The citizen protection team at the Indonesian embassy will continue to provide assistance and coordinate with local authorities,” said Lalu Muhammad Iqbal, citizen protection director of Indonesia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry.
Investigations led to an 18-year-old man described to have dark skin, wore a hooded jacket and rode a black bike.
He was arrested based on witness reports and surveillance footage.
Image via YouTube / RTV Rijnmond
Wesaka Puja, Indonesian ambassador to the Netherlands IGA, told the Jakarta Post:
“Based on information from the po‌li‌ce, a person has been a‌rr‌es‌te‌d for further questioning, in accordance with the applicable rules in the Netherlands.”
He added, “May we pray for her [the student] quick recovery.”
Image via Facebook / OPEN Rotterdam
The case triggered a silent protest against sex‌ual har‌ass‌me‌nt and vi‌ole‌nc‌e in Rotterdam on July 31.
Participants marched carrying the Indonesian flag and signs such as “No means no,” “We are not objects” and “Private property, consent mandatory.”
Featured Images (Cropped) via Facebook / Cindy Smits (Left) and YouTube / RTV Rijnmond (Right)
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