Teen From India Ruthlessly Schools Donald Trump on Climate Change on Twitter

By Bryan Ke
United States President Donald Trump was recently one-upped on Twitter by an 18-year-old student from India on the topic of climate change.
Instead of bashing Trump on his views on climate change, the student, Astha Sarmah, who is from Jorhat in Assam, educated the president about weather and climate in a rather well-spoken manner.
Trump made a tweet last week, November 21, where he mocked global warming after the temperature in Washington dropped to -2 degrees Celsius (28.4 Fahrenheit).
“Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS – Whatever happened to Global Warming?” the president wrote.
Many people criticized Trump for his comment, but Astha took the spotlight for her classy savage reply. She wrote:
“I am 54 years younger than you. I just finished high school with average marks. But even I can tell you that WEATHER IS NOT CLIMATE. If you want help understanding that, I can lend you my encyclopedia from when I was in 2nd grade. It has pictures and everything.”
Astha received over 27,000 likes and more than 6,800 retweets. Many applauded the teen for her straightforward comment:
Others offered her an internship to study climate change on the Arabian Sea, according to Times of India.
Featured image via Instagram / realdonaldtrump, via Twitter / Astha Sarmah
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