Idiot Soccer Bro Fired from $100k Job After Sexually Harassing Reporter with ‘FHRITP’
A female reporter is being hailed as a hero after confronting and shaming hecklers who yelled an obscene phrase into her microphone during an on-air segment.
Shauna Hunt, a reporter for Toronto’s CityNews, was covering the Sunday Toronto FC soccer match when a fan stepped into her live shot and yelled, “F*ck her right in the p*ssy.” (The FHRITP refrain caught on last year through a hoax video, eventually becoming a real pseudo-trend that involved yelling the phrase during live newscasts.) Hunt immediately confronted the group of men responsible, asking them, “Were you guys waiting around to see if you could ‘F her in the P’ me live on TV?”
After they admitted that they had, in fact, been waiting to do just that, Hunt went on to upbraid the unapologetic hecklers:
“No seriously, it’s a disgusting thing to say. It’s degrading to women, and you would humiliate me on live television?”
When one of the men tells her that it has nothing personally to do with her, she replied:
“When you talk into my microphone and say that into my camera to viewers at the station I work at, that is disrespectful and degrading to me.”
After the incident, Hunt told the Toronto Sun:
“This is what I want out there: It has been going on for nearly two years, sometimes numerous times a day. Sometimes it’s just someone shouting it as they drive by. Most of the time I’m not live on-air, it’s any time you have a microphone in your hands.
“This was the moment. (It was time) to take a stand.”
Because Hunt’s stand went viral, the joke is now on the offending men in the video. Shawn Simoes, an assistant network management engineer for Hydro One, was fired from his $100,000+ position for violating the company’s code of conduct, according to CBC News. Further, a statement from Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment promised to ban the men, once identified, from all of their facilities. Police officials in Toronto and Calgary have also issued warnings that FHRITP hecklers could face criminal charges.
Has the FHRITP trend finally been slayed once and for all? Well, it certainly has for the men who heckled no-nonsense Shauna Hunt at least.
h/t: CBC News
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