You Can Now Communicate in Any Language With This Universal IconSpeak T-Shirt

If you’re a constant traveler who can’t be bothered to carry a local dictionary or just someone who wants to own a cool shirt, IconSpeak may be for you.
According to their website, IconSpeak produces T-shirts 40 universal icons that can be combined with “gestures, vocals and mimics to create interaction.”
The brainchild of three Swiss adventurers, George, Steven, and Florian, the idea for the shirt concept was hatched in 2015 over numerous drinks following an unforgettable experience in Vietnam.
“Many times we were confronted with a language barrier that was only to be overcome by drawing signs, symbols or icons on a piece of paper, map, or into the dirt,” the group explained in a company blog post.
“We thought it would be great to have an essential set of icons with you, permanently, so that you could just point on whatever you need – and people would understand.
“Soon the notepad was pulled out again and we started listing more or less essential icons that would have been of great help during not just ours, but basically anyone’s trip.”
The company also sells bags, caps, beanies and other items using its iconography theme.
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