Huawei Punks ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Viewers With Special ‘Post Credit Scene’

By Ryan General
Sticking around until the very end of each Marvel film to find an extra scene or two has been a moviegoing tradition for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Usually embedded in between or right after the movie credits have rolled, these scenes usually offered either comic relief or a brief tease of what was to come in the then-developing “Infinity Saga.”
Doing away with this “tradition” for the first time since the very beginning of the franchise, “Avengers: Endgame” instead featured a jaw-dropping montage of the main characters right after the credits.
Interestingly, however, some moviegoers in Asia were treated to an exclusive post-credit “scene.” Unfortunately, fans were disappointed to shortly discover that it was actually an advertisement for a mobile phone.
Select screenings reportedly played a Huawei P30 advertisement at the end of the film, dousing off anticipation from viewers who stayed in their seats expecting to see something related to the MCU.
Opening with a zoomed shot of the moon, the ad gave the false impression that it was a scene from a space-themed movie such as the upcoming “Guardians of the Galaxy 3” or even a “Captain Marvel” sequel.
But then, the shot zooms out a few times, revealing a Huawei P30 Pro mobile phone. The ad’s tagline even references the title of the last MCU film to mock a popular competitor brand, with “This is the galaxy’s endgame.”
In the video clip believed to be captured in China or Singapore, the collective disappointment of moviegoers can be heard echoing in the cinema after the reveal.
While some saw the ad as a harmless “prank,” others viewed it as an opportunistic way to get the word out for the new device.
Featured image via YouTube/Marvel Entertainment (left), the Ideal Mobile (right)
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