Experts Reveal The Best Way to Stop Husbands From Sleeping With Their Nanny

Gossip headlines involving celebrity husbands allegedly cheating on their celebrity wives with their nannies has some of those in the market for a nanny looking even more closely at who they may be hiring.
According to nanny industry experts speaking to the New York Post, close relationships between nannies and their employers often develop since they are caring for the children. Some employers, however, may find their nannies’ relationships with their spouses threatening to their marriages.
“If someone’s having a problem in their marriage, or is nervous about infidelity, I wouldn’t put a young, hot nanny in the mix,” former “Nanny 911” reality star Stella Reid told the Post.
According to Seth Norman Greenberg, vice president of Pavillion Agency, a high-end domestic-staffing company, some of his clients request that Pavillon not send anyone overly attractive.
Christine Ouzounian (above) is actor Ben Affleck’s Former Nanny who he allegedly cheated on his wife Jennifer Garner With. 
“I can tell you that more and more clients are requesting pictures of candidates along with their bios, and that may be a wife putting a face to the background,” Greenberg told the Post.
Although vetting candidates early on may help, Holly Flanders, CEO of nanny consulting company Choice Parenting, recommends wives who are wary of their husbands cheating with the nanny institute an informal dress code for their nannies and to install cameras around the home.
“It just shows, in general, what behaviors are happening. How the nannies are interacting with their kids. Maybe how they’re interacting with their husbands,” she told the Post.
Former nanny and co-author of “The Nanny Diaries” Emma McLaughlin points out that the “fantasy element” of husband-nanny affairs is “not the norm.”
“For the most part, everyone’s just tired. The mother’s tired, the father’s tired, the nanny’s tired,” she said. “If anyone’s having sex in that house, that’s a bonus in this economy!”
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