How a Butler Service Called Alfred Won $50,000 at This Year’s TechCrunch Disrupt

“I’m Marcela Sapone, this is Jess Beck, and we are the co-founders of Alfred. And we are going to give you back the most precious resource you have- your time.”
“So Dan could have scheduled a Homejoy cleaning or booked Washio to get his laundry. He could have even called Instacart to go grab him milk, but all of that takes time and coordination and the mental energy—Dan doesn’t want to give it. So instead Alfred anticipates that Dan will need to press that on demand button and works and acts in the background, coordinating across multiple verticals gluing it all together with a real person so that we actually solve Dan’s whole problem.
We knew this was coming. It’s here. The natural successor to ‘on demand’ is when the services in your life know you and they are automatic . . . So Dan can sit back and have his cereal.”
- It’s an incredibly simple idea, and simple is always best.
- They identified a redundancy in the wide array of online services offered, simplifying the situation with one all-inclusive service.
- The niche edge they have going for their win at TechCrunch Disrupt is that their service wasn’t very tech oriented, but still quite necessary and relevant to the people of the tech industry.
- Their customer base is well set: busy business people and techies who don’t have time to clean, shop, or fend for themselves- but, most importantly, all of whom have money.