This Cat in Hong Kong Knows More Tricks Than Your Dog

A pharmacy in Hong Kong is garnering much attention online for its resident tabby cat that performs tricks.
Originally named Kitty by her 62-year-old owners, Lau Siu-kwong and his wife Lau Fung-ying, the feline has been renamed Hawaii by fans because of the colorful scrunchies she wears around neck that resemble leis, reports the South China Morning Post.
Hawaii was purchased by the couple in 2003 and was taught tricks by their sons. She lives at the couple’s 15-year-old herbal medicine shop, Kam Fung Medicine Company in Wan Chai.
The couple didn’t realize their 13-year-old cat was a viral star until 29-year-old marketer Justina Chong told them about Wanchai Cat, a Facebook appreciation page she originally set up as a “centralized place” for her and her friends to share pictures and videos of Hawaii.
“We were pleased when friends, and friends of friends, began to like the page and interact with our posts,” Chong told the Post. “But we never anticipated that it would gain such a huge following! I really have no idea how that happened.”

[VIRAL] cat in scrunchie stands on hind legsu r my sweetheart

Posted by Wanchai Cat on Monday, January 18, 2016


cat gets face massaged, intestines removedhawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are so cute!!!!! especially in HD!

Posted by Wanchai Cat on Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Lau said his “adorable and kind” cat usually only takes his commands and that “nothing much has changed” except for the admiring crowds that now gather at his shop.
“I am happy that people from around the world are watching her. It feels comforting,” Lau told the Post. “It has been good keeping her, for our business and for our relationship with the neighbourhood. She has had lots of fans online and people love her.”
A video of Hawaii performing tricks shared by Chong on Wanchai Cat earlier this month has been viewed more than one million times. Photos of the cat are also shared regularly by her fans on Instagram.
“My favourite trick is when she wishes people wealth,” Lau said. “Her posture looks very good. Her fans love it, especially around the time of Chinese New Year.”
He added: “People come everyday to see her. People get disappointed if she sleeps in and they didn’t get to see her. Some of her fans come all the way just to see her and give her treats.”
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