Video Allegedly Shows Asian Man Attacking Random Black Man as ‘Revenge’ for Attack on Asian Woman

By Bryan Ke
Editor’s Note: A previous version of this article indicated the man’s ethnicity was allegedly Hmong. The claim was made and documented by the Facebook user as we reported, but we’ve altered our headline to not single out any one specific community.
A Minnesota man streamed himself assaulting an unsuspecting Black man on Facebook Live which spread on social media on Wednesday evening in an alleged form of retaliation over the assault of an elderly Asian woman by three teens this week.
Facebook user NY Zaag, under a public profile of a Christopher Moua, posted the recording of the live-stream. Zaag claimed the man, who he claims to be of Hmong descent, attacked the random pedestrian as revenge after an Asian woman was recently attacked by teenagers at a bus stop in the Minneapolis-St.Paul area.
“This is not going to solve anything this will only create more (hatred) and violence, the next victim might be a Hmong guy or girl getting shot by some black thugs then what? Start a race war?” the Facebook user wrote. “The best thing for us to do is be aware of our surroundings, and carry for self defense, not revenge.”
“We need the black community to realize that what they are doing is creating tensions among us and hurting us, it is bad for their community and ours,” the user continued. “We need to get smart and stay away from places we’re not supposed to be at a certain time without other people we may be able to depend on.”
When reached for further detail, Zaag declined to comment saying, “I need to protect the guy who posted the video also. I’ll let you know if he’s OK with it first.”
On Thursday morning, Sgt. Mike Ernster of the St. Paul Police Department told NextShark that the department is aware of the incident and is currently investigating and tracking down the victim.
Three teens who were allegedly behind the attack of the Asian woman earlier this week were arrested after authorities began investigating the viral video.
Feature Image Screenshot via NY Zaag
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