Cadet Peter Wang to Receive Medal of Heroism, Honor Guard For Sacrificing Himself to Save Others in Florida Shooting

By Bryan Ke
Peter Wang, the 15-year-old JROTC member who heroically saved many lives during the gruesome Parkland Shooting on February 14, will receive an Honor Guard at his funeral as well as be awarded the Medal of Heroism by the Army.

In the GoFundMe page dedicated to the cadet, Chino Leong, a close friend of Wang’s family, said that the “governor’s office will be supplying an honor guard” for the young hero’s funeral.

An honor guard – or Guard of Honor – is a ceremony conducted by the military whenever they are welcoming someone important or escorting a casket to a funeral. Additionally, Wang, along with fellow JROTC students Alaina Petty and Martin Duque who were killed in the school shooting, will be awarded Medals of Heroism, the service’s highest medal for cadets to recognize their bravery, according to Task and Purpose.
Wang, described by his 24-year-old cousin, Lin Chen, as a “funny, caring and selfless” freshman from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, was one of the 17 adults and children killed that day. The 15-year-old hero was last seen assisting other students of the school in escaping as he holds the door open for them while they flee to safety.

“He is so brave. He is the person who is genuinely kind to everyone. He doesn’t care about popularity. He always liked to cheer people up. He is like the big brother everyone wished they had,’’ Chen told the Sun Sentinel. “I feel the family can never be the same.”

He left behind his parents and two younger brothers, 5 and 11.
“He wasn’t supposed to die. He was supposed to grow old with me. Please share his story,” Wang’s other cousin, Aaron Chen, told First Coast News.

After his death, a GoFundMe account was set up for the young hero. The page is no longer accepting donations, however, as it already received $16,092 — exceeding its original $15,000 goal. All money will be donated to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School’s ROTC program.
Featured Image Facebook / Jesse Pan
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