Helpless Man Breaks Down Crying as Locals Loot Oranges From His Overturned Truck in China

It’s a day of despair for one driver who overturned his truck and spilled its cargo along a highway in China.
The accident occurred on Sunday in the province of Jiangxi. The truck, which carried oranges, overturned on a highway and spilled them along the road.
The oranges came from Hunan province.
A looter stuffs his sack with the spill.
Incidentally, villagers rushed to the site of the accident, but what happened next is beyond saddening.
Instead of helping the driver and his nephew, onlookers looted the fruit, grabbing as much oranges as they could.
The driver
As seen in one footage, the driver attempted to save the oranges but was simply overpowered. He was even attacked in the process.
The driver confronts the looter leading to a physical altercation.
Looters walked away happily with full bags before the police finally arrived. The driver, undoubtedly helpless, broke down in tears as he revealed that it was his first long-haul delivery.
The driver settles and cries on the roadside as authorities help collect the remaining oranges.
According to Shanghaiist, scenes like this happen all the time — looters always find ways to worsen another person’s misfortune.
We’re glad to know the driver and his nephew seemed safe from the crash, but it’s really one bad day for business.
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