‘Handsome’ Chinese Airport Technician Gets Salary Cut After Passenger’s Video Goes Viral

By Khier Casino
An incredibly good-looking airport technician in Xiamen, China, reportedly had his salary deducted by 10% for being “too handsome.”
A video showing the 25-year-old staff member walking on the tarmac while wearing sunglasses quickly went viral on the popular Chinese video platform Tik Tok, gaining more than a million views, according to CGTN.
Users compared him to South Korean heartthrob Song Joong Ki, who starred in the hit drama “Descendants of the Sun” as a South Korean Special Forces unit captain.
It turns out that the handsome young man violated the company’s code of conduct by wearing an untidy uniform and having his hand in his pocket, resulting in a 10% deduction of his salary.

“Taking into consideration the influential impact this video has made, the aggravated penalty must be applied,” company notice said.
Users on microblogging site Weibo felt the company was being a bit too harsh with the punishment and that it needed to lighten up.

“I feel sorry for him. He might be the first person ever to be deducted pay for being too handsome,” one viewer wrote.
“His boss must be jealous of his handsomeness,” another commented.

Others stood by the company’s move to deduct the hot employee’s salary.
“Indeed, when you are in the uniform, you should behave decently. When you take it off, you can pose however you like,” one commenter said.

The young worker was grateful for all the support that he has been receiving after the video was posted online, but told netizens to ease up on the passenger who recorded him.
“Honestly, I still feel quite happy because it is not easy to become so famous that quickly. My company did nothing wrong, it was my fault for not keeping with the correct standards in terms of dress code and behavior,” CGTN quoted him as saying.
“Please don’t bombard the passenger who uploaded the video online. I never blamed her, because she didn’t mean to cause me any harm.”
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